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Council will pay part of tenants’ rent to private landlords

Milton Keynes council claims it is making it more affordable for families living in temporary accommodation to move into a private rented home.

Demand for council housing is far outstripping its availability, and the city council is currently paying for interim accommodation for more than 1,000 households who are eligible for its help. Many of these families have tried to secure private rented homes but found it unaffordable.

To help more households into settled homes, the city council has launched a new offer where it will consider paying the difference between the rent a landlord is reasonably expecting and what a prospective tenant can afford. 

As well as securing more families settled accommodation, the council has calculated that topping up rents will be cheaper than arranging short term accommodation, which means the scheme will ultimately save it money.  

Milton Keynes council already offers landlords cash incentives of up to £6,680 for offering long term rental agreements. It guarantees rent for the term of a tenancy. 

It says landlords who would like to learn more about what’s on offer should visit the city council’s website.

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