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Savills reveals property sectors lenders and investors are most interested in

Lender and investor sentiment has improved compared to 12 months ago, Savills revealed at its 36th Financing Property presentation in London on 22 May 2024. According to the Savills survey of guests at the Financing Property presentation, respondents were more likely to lend and invest in the living sectors, residential development and prime logistics. 

Results also showed that sentiment around pricing has improved across all property sectors compared to last year. 

Nick Harris, Savills head of UK and cross border valuation, said: “Positive sentiment is returning, with the living sectors, residential development and prime logistics most favoured by the London lender and investor community. It is interesting to note the divergence of views on where the markets are heading has tightened across most asset classes, suggesting greater comfort has been reached on price discovery.” 

Savills observes that 2023 ended with around £40bn of assets traded, down significantly on historic levels. and, despite the early optimism for the market in 2024, the transactional data from the first quarter of 2024 represented a 12-year low. 

Mat Oakley, head of commercial research at Savills, added: “The post Great Financial Crisis period suggests the peak in distressed sales will come in the next couple of years. Some sectors will recover quicker when interest rates come down. We are already starting to see yields harden for retail warehouses, industrials, and hotels.”

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