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Developers given planning permissions extension

The UK Government has implemented a recommendation by the British Property Federation (BPF) to allow developers with planning permissions granted up until 30 th September to extend their permissions to give them more time to weather the economic downturn.

Initially the Government’s proposals had been restricted only to applications for ‘major’ developments which had not yet started, however ‘minor’ applications are also extendable after the BPF successfully intervened.

Liz Peace, BPF’s chief executive, said : "We are very pleased the Government has listened to our arguments and has made the measure available to all developments, regardless of their size. The property industry needs all the help it can get to beat the recession and get development moving again."

As a result this will decrease the often lengthy and expensive process that was previously in place for extending planning permissions and will enable the development and regeneration projects to continue with minimal delay once the simpler applications have been made. Although forms will still have to be filled out, they are simplified versions and no plans or drawings will have to be provided so this will cut costs even further.

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