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West Cumbria to become ‘Energy Coast’

A £2bn regeneration scheme has been launched in west Cumbria which sets out a plan for the area to become Britain’s ‘ Energy Coast’. The scheme is expected to bring 16,000 jobs and boost Cumbria’s economy by £800m.

The ‘Energy Coast’ will be based around the proposals for two new nuclear reactors at Sellafield Power Station, a new nuclear laboratory and the use of on and off-shore wind farms. It is hoped that west Cumbria will become the nation’s leader in energy production. Investment is therefore being made in related fields with £100m proposed for a new acute hospital which will specialise in toxicology and radiology and the expansion of the University of Cumbria into the region. A further £200m will be spent on education to boost the number of skilled workers from the local community.

The masterplan includes £80m to be spent on housing market renewal over the next 20 years. Initially this will involve the building of 150 new homes and improvements to up to 400 existing homes. Expansion of the local transport network is also planned which will include improvements to the rail network and road connections with the M6.

Luke Dicicco, spokesman for West Lake Renaissance and Cumbria Vision, told PIN: “The plan for Britain’s ‘ Energy Coast’ is to create a Silicon Valley type area for the UK. West Cumbria will become the base for innovative energy production along the coast. The majority of people in the area support the power station and it has become part of their community. West Cumbria has a surplus of housing stock and investment will be made to improve these ageing terraces for the local community. New homes will also be built as an attractive alternative for the new highly skilled and well paid workers who are expected come to the area.”

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