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Scotland’s new building laws to cut energy emissions

New building laws came into force on 1 st May to cut energy emissions from all new-build residential property in Scotland.

The new Section 6 of the Scottish Building Regulations is Scotland’s equivalent of England and Wales’ Part L energy conservation building regulations. As part of the new regulations, tests are now recommended on all new homes to determine how energy efficient they are by checking air tightness via gaps and cracks in floors, walls, windows and doors.

Peter Chapple of LK Accreditation said: “Housing accounts for more than a quarter of the UK’s carbon emissions. Poorly fitted windows and doors, and inferior building materials are the most common ways for air to escape. But air leakage paths aren’t always visible, and are often obscured by internal finishes or external cladding. The test is so sensitive it can even pinpoint vulnerable areas in the building design or materials.”

Tests should now be carried out on a sample of housing on each new development. According to LK Accreditation, the key is to carry out the tests as early as possible in the development so that any problems can be identified and remedied quickly.

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