Planning approval has been granted by Harlow Council for a mixed-use re-generation scheme by Addington Capital.
The Little Walk, East Gate, West Gate and Gatehouse area of the Harvey Centre, a shopping centre in Harlow, will be demolished to make way for four new buildings ranging in height from three to sixteen storeys which will provide 447 residential units and circa 4,000 sqm of flexible retail floorspace at ground floor, together with below podium car parking.
Martin Roberts, Principal of Addington Capital, said: "We are delighted Harlow Council has approved our regeneration scheme. We will be providing nearly 450 new residential homes centred around landscaped public spaces with easy access to open air boulevard shopping. It will transform this part of the town, which has long been in need of such investment."
A new boulevard shopping area will improve access to the central shopping area of the scheme from the existing West Gate ‘gateway’ into the town.