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Regents Park Estate regeneration given green light

Camden Council has approved plans to regenerate the Regent's Park Estate in London which was developed by Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design.

The Regent's Park Estate is a large post-war estate owned by Camden Council, which sits between Euston Station and Regent's Park and currently includes 2,200 homes across 49 residential blocks, within an overall area of around 15 hectares.

The new development will provide 116 high-quality new homes for those residents directly affected by the proposals for HS2, which will start and terminate at Euston. The new homes, which will all be within a 10 minute walk of residents' existing homes and delivered ahead of the HS2 proposals, will be provided across eight different sites within the estate, alongside public realm improvements.

Hilary Satchwell, Director at Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design, said: "These plans on the Regent's Park Estate, introduce high-quality contemporary housing, better open spaces and new community facilities for all.”

Alongside the housing the plans also include a replacement public house on Albany Street, two new commercial units on Hampstead Road and a replacement community facility. The location of the community facility reinforces the important east-west Robert Street route through the estate between Euston Station and Regent's Park.

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