St Modwen has secured outline planning permission for a £20m residential led mixed-use redevelopment of a former Stoke-on-Trent manufacturing facility.
The site owner, Dyson Industries Limited, is working in conjunction with St Modwen to promote the regeneration of the 11.25 acre site fronting Shelton New Road. The development will include up to 111 family homes plus a local centre incorporating a small convenience store, a parade of four small shops and a pub and restaurant.
Mike Herbert, St Modwen's North Staffordshire regional director, said: "This consent allows the site to come forward for a very sustainable development in a very accessible location that will bring many social and environmental benefits to the area.
"We can now press on with Dyson Industries to ensure the early delivery of this scheme, which will bring significant levels of investment, contributing to the city's housing supply and creating at least two construction jobs for every home built."
A detailed programme for the demolition and remediation of the site is being prepared and St Modwen will be working with Dyson Industries to bring the site to the market. The aim is that the development will commence during 2014.