As we go to print on this December edition the Conservative Party, led by Boris Johnson, has achieved a significant majority of votes in the General Election, which should result in the first stage of the Brexit process finally being concluded. This was an Election strongly influenced by the previous three and a half years of considerable political instability here in the UK and in many constituencies. Voters clearly have had enough of ‘uncertainty’ and/or they simply wanted to ‘move on’.
I will reserve comment on the implications of the General Election outcome for the property sector and investment prospects ahead until our next edition in January, which will of course be the first one at the dawn of a new decade.
Some who know personally or follow me on social media will be aware that I’ve just returned from a very welcome trip to India and Sri Lanka. It is said that ‘travel broadens the mind’, a quote which, from my experiences this year alone, I would wholeheartedly agree with.
Thanks to increasingly widespread access to a good Wi-Fi connection, notwithstanding the obvious time-zone differences, global travel presents relatively few challenges nowadays in keeping up-to-date with business affairs and the latest news. As such, I was able to keep in touch with some important trends, which are reflected in some of the articles contained inside this edition.