The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has proposed a new solution to solve the UK's chronic housing shortage in its new 'RICS Property in Politics' report.
Among a raft of recommendations, the report recommends the introduction of a new land classification, to go along with Greenfield and Brownfield land, called 'Amberfield', which it believes would create a pipeline of 'ready to go' land, increasing housing supply and promoting development opportunities.
Under RICS proposals, Local Authorities and communities will have to work together to label sites favourable for development as Amberfield and each Local Plan will have to include a set quota of Amberfield, ready to be developed for housing. The quota is expected to be set at 30-50% but the framework and guidelines for each quota would be open to consultation in order to match the specific needs of each Local Authority and community.