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Interior Design Trends For 2019 and How to Monetise Them For Your Projects

Karolina Adamczyk, chief visionary officer at Ademchic, comments

Interior design trends change every year and 2019 brings yet another wave of predictions on what’s going to be making the covers of design magazines this year. However, don’t get caught in the hype of implementing the newest trend when you don’t have your marketing strategy figured out. The way I see it, interior design is just one piece of the product presentation puzzle and before we look at the trends, I would urge you to consider how they might fit in with your marketing strategy.

Why consider trends when putting your development together
Selling lifestyle is much more powerful than selling bricks and mortar. Why do some companies choose to hire a tiny WeWork office space, when they can get much more for their buck in a building across the road? Why are tenants paying more to live at The Collective, when they could rent a cheaper and larger room down the road? Forward thinking property companies recognise the value of delivering aspiring spaces and capitalise on peoples’ need to be unique, to feel special.

SME property developers who don’t consider the interior design impact when planning their projects are missing a genuine opportunity to increase their return on investment and unlock value. Design is a marketing tool like no other – it helps you differentiate and sell/rent your properties faster. It also doesn’t have to cost the world.

When I talk about “interior design” I often mean more than just the selection of tiles or kitchen units. Interior design in my book is an important part of the developer’s overall lifestyle proposition and an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to creating a premium perception of your development. Selling the dream is worth more than just bricks and mortar. Enabling quicker sales is what Ademchic focuses on and we do that by utilising tools that we have divided into three buckets:
1. Marketing
2. Specification and design
3. Furniture and styling

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